Kongres estetickej stomatológie v Ríme, 17.-18. mája 2024

  • Aktuálnu cenu vstupného sa dozviete na stránke OHIS
  • Dátum: 17.-18. mája 2024

Využite jedinečnú príležitosť a zakúpte si vstupenku na kongres so zľavou 5%, zadaním kódu: STOMADEUS5 v nákupnom košíku na stránke OHI-S, kliknutím na obrázok nižšie: 

Kongres estetickej stomatológie v Ríme 1 -min

www.ohi-s.com/Aesthetic Dentistry Congress in Rome


Ak zvažujete účasť na kongrese v skupine, OHI-S vám ponúka vďaka hromadnému nákupu vstupeniek možnosť využiť atraktívne zľavy:

  • 2-4 účastníci - 10%
  • 5-11 účastníkov - 20%
  • 12 a viac účastníkov - 30%

Pri využití hromadného nákupu, prosím, vezmite na vedomie, že sa zľavový kód STOMADEUS5 nebude dať uplatniť.

Aesthetic Dentistry Congress in Rome is a collaboration of the best restorаtive dentists in the world, current topics and inspiration from an unforgettable trip to the capital of the ancient world.

Previously, Rome became the center of civilization, which laid the foundations of the modern world. And this year, Rome will become the center of aesthetic dentistry, bringing together lecturers who are at the origins of the development of modern restorative dentistry.

Just imagine... You will meet the best lecturers: Galip Gurel, Stefano Conti, Klaus Müterthies, Maurizio De Stefano, Edris Rasta. And spend two unforgettable days in the Eternal City, inspired by its cultural heritage and architectural aesthetics!

 Come and invite your colleagues. Let's create the history of aesthetic dentistry TOGETHER!

 IMPORTANT: advantages of the “Standard” participation option:

  •  Participation in the scientific program
  • Coffee break
  • Notes and handouts
  • Certificate of participation
  • ADA credits available upon request.

"Comfort" and “VIP” participation options are also available for purchase.



Day 1

Galip Gurel (2 lectures, 3 hours)

The aesthetic design: from the beginning to the end

(Program will be updated.) 


Edris Rasta (1 lecture, 1 hour 30 minutes)

Functional veneers: from joint level to beautiful smile

  • How and where to start
  • Facially generated growth analysis
  • Analysis of envelop of function anteriors and posteriors
  • Diagnosis and prognosis
  • Parafunction or dysfunction
  • RCP and ICP, pathways of occlusion
  • Anterior guidance
  • Aesthetic is result of the functionality
  • How to create beautiful smile with longevity.

Day 2

Stefano Conti (1 lecture, 3 hours)

10 сommon mistakes and how to correct them with BOPT technique for veneers and crowns. Digital approach in the BOPT concept

  • Tooth prep: are we too deep into the sulcus? Which tooth axis angulation?
  • Tooth prep: how much horizontal space do we need?
  • Temporary crown relining and finishing: how thick is the margin and how deep into the sulcus?
  • Temporary crown timing: how and when modify the margin?
  • Biotype conversion: why the soft DOES NOT respond?
  • Analogical impression: how do we expose the finishing area?
  • Where is the final margin of the crown? How do we communicate with the lab?
  • Digital impression: do we need retraction cord?
  • How do we accurately replicate the gingival architecture?
  • Final crown: what could be causing gingival inflammation post cementation?

Klaus Müterthies (1 lecture, 1 hour 30 minutes)

Art Oral: the concept of creating an aesthetic smile from the creator

  • The importance of trust between dentistry and patient
  • Trust to the dental technician
  • Meeting with the patient in the dental laboratory
  • The perfect fitting with function and aesthetics in the dental laboratory
  • Equal eye lave between all the dental partners
  • The advantage for all the partners!

Maurizio De Stefano (1 lecture, 1 hour 30 minutes)
Veneers and worn dentition

  • Occlusion dysfunctions
  • Veneers: key aspects of diagnosing the patient before restoration
  • Indications for restoration of 6 anterior teeth with veneers and the entire arch
  • Temporary veneers: work protocol
  • Protocol for the treatment of worn dentition using veneers.