Medzinárodný ortodontický kongres v Dubaji s najlepšími prednášajúcimi z celého sveta! Na našom zozname sú Marco Rosa, Bakr Rabie a Patricia Vergara!
- Účastníci z 5 kontinentov sa stretnú v neustále sa rozvíjajúcej metropole - Dubaji!
- Štúdium, oddych, načerpanie nových síl a stretnutie s kolegami z celého sveta - to všetko Vás čaká na Medzinárodnom ortodontickom kongrese.
- Aktuálna cena vstupného bez zľavy: 789€
- Dátum: 27. – 28. októbra 2023
Využite jedinečnú príležitosť a zakúpte si vstupenku na kongres so zľavou 5%, zadaním kódu: STOMADEUS5 v nákupnom košíku na stránke OHI-S, kliknutím na obrázok nižšie:
Day 1
Marco Rosa
Missing incisors and impacted canines: a real challenge. How to plan and achieve optimal results with an ideal cost-benefit ratio
- Treatment of missing incisors and impacted canines: the risk of having more costs than benefits
- Rationale and effective biomechanics for fast and predictable space closure
- New details and procedures to achieve the best
- Treatment in the mixed dentition: the best investment
- Orthodontic finishing is what makes the difference
- What about aligners ?
- The interdisciplinary (ortho-perio-restorative) approach from diagnosis to long term stability
- Overall аesthetics: a new approach looking for customized effective results.
Bakr Rabie
Treatment Planning of Comprehensive Orthodontic Cases With Fixed Appliances and Clear Aligners
- Rabie-Hybrid mechanics with clear aligners to manage extraction cases
- Protocols of segmental mechanics. Avoiding dumping of teeth for space closure
- Spontaneous alignment with the transseptal fibers pull mechanism
- Molars intrusion for the treatment of open bite
- Non-extraction approach to treatment with clear aligners and fixed appliances.
Day 2
Patricia Vergara
Solve difficult cases with simple mechanics
- Biomechanics with extra-alveolar mini-implants. The change of the occlusal plane
- Three spheres of orthodontic knowledge: Patricia Vergara approach
- Negative effect resulting from the retraction of the upper arch with the mini-implant in the infrazygomatic crest
- Management of the resulting retraction forces with mini-implants in the infrazygomatic crest.
Kee-Joon Lee
Total arch intrusion in hyperdivergent Class 2 face: a replacement therapy for orthopedic treatment
- Difficulties faced by clinicians in the treatment of hyperdivergent Class 2 face
- How to diagnose vertical problem from soft tissue profile
- Biomechanics of treatment of patients with hyperdivergent face
- Protocols for the use of skeletal anchorage in the treatment of hyperdivergent Class 2 face
- Total arch intrusion protocols
- How to determine miniscrew positions
- Possibilities of radical root movement of lower incisors leading to "symphyseal remodeling" in children with hyperdivergent face.
Amr Asker
Orthodontics and periodontics. The perfect match
- Relationship between periodontics and orthodontics
- Periodontal aspect of treatment of orthodontic patients
- Orthodontic aspect of treatment of periodontal patients
- Features of orthodontic treatment of adult patients with periodontal disease
- Team approach in the treatment of adult patients.